This pirate girl illustration for a prospective children’s book author. I usually don’t do speculative illustrations, but I made an exception in this case. I had just ordered and received my first Wacom Cintiq, so it was a great opportunity to explore my new found treasure!
I find the sitting posture more natural and far less tiring. At the end of the day I feel I have achieved a great deal more without feeling increased fatigue. The experience is like normal drawing or painting with all the benefits of digital. I am looking forward to try it out on a more serious rendering or illustration. I might not even wait until I get that sort of commission! 😉 I am considering just taking time out to create something that is a the very limits of my ability! I feel the Cintiq can truly facilitate that.
I can definitely see that my workflow has sped up quite remarkably since I am working on a Cintiq.
So, if you have a burning desire to commission an illustration that would push me to create something I haven’t achieved before, feel free to drop me a line! 🙂 But, if not: just wait and let’s see what I start doing in the future. I am excited to see how things progress from now on.
See more of my children’s book illustrations on Allied Artists.
I have a page on my site just for book illustrations.
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